Formula Vee Association Of NSW

NUTS AND BOLTS – Lyall’s Technical Update

In this Technical and BoM update, there are a number of issues to be covered. First and foremost, I would like to say thank you all for your patience, co operation and under standing with the post Qualifying and Race technical inspections.

I know that all you want to do after a race is talk B.S. and give the reasons why you did not win, but in a class that is so tightly technically regulated, these checks are very important. Once again, thank you all. After Eastern Creek Qual, there were a number of cars with number infringements, two cars under ride height and the issue with the carby on Shane Hart’s car.

I dealt with the number issue simply by explaining why the numbers were wrong, and I believe everyone understood and I am pleased to say, no one complained. After the meeting, Mick Reinhardt said it was about time someone did something about the numbers as “they had been out of control for years”.

I was very pleased to hear that from Mick, as I, and many others, have a great deal of respect for Mick and what he has done for Formula Vee. As I was busy with the numbers and the carby issue, I left the ride height cars to be sorted by the Scrutineers. I learnt later that the drivers had been given a slap on the wrist and no action taken. I do not believe that this was an appropriate action to take, as the cars were allowed to start Race 1 in the position that they had qualified in with cars that did not meet the Formula Vee regulations. This situation should have been handled better by the Scrutineers, but it was a lesson learned and I made a mental note not to let it happen again. The carby issue on Shane Hart’s car is ongoing.

I won’t go into all the details, suffice it to say that the CAMS judicial wheel turns very slowly. I am in possession of an Email from Jo Coad, Acting Senior Motor Sport Coordinator-Technical which states –quote “the CAMS Eligibility determined that the carburettor in question did not comply with the regulations and therefore is ineligible” end quote.

I am also in possession of a number of Emails from Senior FVAQ officials refuting certain statements that were made at the original Stewards hearing at EC. I will be attending a Stewards meeting at Sports House at Homebush on Monday 14th of May, where I am led to believe a penalty will be determined that is deemed to be appropriate for the use of the “ineligible” carburettor. Watch this space.

On to Wakefield Park and I am very pleased to report that after Qual. only one car was under ride height and every 1600 car passed a carby and restrictor plate check. Remembering my mental note from EC, I took control of the ride height situation and the driver was given a rear of grid start for Race 1. I take no delight when something like this happens and especially in this case as the driver is new to the sport, in a car that he is leasing and therefore has no control over set up, and he Qualified P3, but action had to be taken, and whilst it is unfortunate, I make no apology for taking this action.

Prior to Race 2 on Sunday morning, Leigh Porter, Simon Pace, Craig Conlon and myself drew 5 numbers from a hat and these cars had the carby and one side of the inlet manifold off and checked. The cars were Daniel Reynolds, Dean Cavanagh, Simon Pace, Pablo Martino and Stephen Gamarra.

Once again, I am very pleased to say that there were no problems that I could see with their carby’s, inlet manifolds or inlet ports. Well done to all concerned. Whilst on Wakefield Park, I do not understand why we run a round of the CAMS State Championship at a circuit that does not provide working scales.

Surely that is a proviso to have a Round of the State Championship at your venue. I suppose it could be worse, the first round could have been at Wakefield and here we are with a new weight limit. What happens if the lightweights take 30 or 40 Kg out for the next round at WP? In order to get a better understanding of this next issue, get onto the National FV website, go to Competition, Rules and Technical, Sealing Card System and be very mindful of the section “In the event of a lost card”.

When you get an engine or gearbox sealed, the sealer will give you a White Sheet (the original sealing sheet or certificate), possibly a Yellow Copy of that original sealing sheet (some sealers send the yellow directly to me and some give it to the owner to pass on to me) and a White Card (sealing card).

If you are asked to produce the Sealing Card (the white card) at a race meeting, and you do not have it, and you do not have the original Sealing Sheet (or the yellow copy if you have not passed it on to me), then you have no record of the engine or gearbox having been sealed. If you do not have either the Sealing Card or White original Sealing Sheet and you have sent the Yellow copy of the Sealing Sheet to me, that may temporarily get you out of trouble.

The fact that the item has seals on it is not good enough and in this situation you can be asked to put the car on the trailer and your meeting is over.

I cannot stress highly enough the importance of the Sealing Card, and I will be checking them at Eastern Creek next, so I ask you all to get your paperwork in order before the meeting. Make sure that your Cards and Sheets are for the engine and gearbox that is in your car, and leave paperwork that is no longer relevant to your car, at home.

The BoM has asked the FVANSW Technical Group to put forward a plan to produce a Video that can be used as a tool for the ongoing training of Sealers, Australia wide. Whilst it may sound like a simple enough thing to do, in order to get it right and look professional, it will require a lot of planning and work.

I have asked all the members of the Technical Group for ideas and I extend that invitation to you all. If you have any ideas, thoughts or experience in video production, call or Email me and we will go from there. It is very important to get it right, both for FV and for NSW.

That’s it for this week, but I remind you that I am available if you have any queries at all regarding technical issues.


This Technical Insight was sponsored by RALLYX Mud Flaps – Check Out or range.